哥本哈根的SAS Royal Hotel是20世紀建築和設計的地標。這座摩天大樓於1960年竣工,其外觀採用玻璃和鋁材打造出簡約現代的造型。
但Jacobsen的設計遠遠超越了建築的外表。他精心設計了酒店內部的每一個細節,包括專為此項目而設計的經典 "Egg" 和 "Swan" 椅子。
Jacobsen採用整體設計理念,融合自然材料、創新技術和功能主義原則,為賓客打造了無縫體驗。SAS Royal Hotel鞏固了Jacobsen作為中世紀現代主義大師的地位,啟發著後代設計師。
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Arne Jacobsen's SAS Royal Hotel in Copenhagen is a landmark of 20th-century architecture and design. Completed in 1960, the high-rise tower features a sleek, modernist exterior of glass and aluminum. But Jacobsen's vision extended far beyond the building's façade.
He meticulously designed every aspect of the hotel's interior, including the iconic "Egg" and "Swan" chairs created specifically for the project. Jacobsen's holistic approach integrated natural materials, innovative technologies, and functionalist principles to create a seamless experience for guests. The SAS Royal Hotel solidified Jacobsen's reputation as a master of mid-century modernism, inspiring generations of designers with its timeless aesthetic.
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